“But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel.” Proverbs 12:10
The non-Christian worldview is humanistic. This means that every fact the humanist encounters will be interpreted according to its place in the plan of man. God’s Word and will are excluded, so the context of all things, every fact – personal, economic, social, political, etc., will be interpreted in the context of humanism. It’s important for Christians to understand this critical aspect of life so as not to be conformed to their old way of thinking. Indeed, the Christian worldview is the trained mind, undergirded by Scriptural principles on every front, that “takes all thoughts captive” for Christ.
In this light that we should think of an issue like climate change. Recently, Steven Koonin, the former chief scientist for the Obama Administration, wrote a book detailing the warped reporting done on environmental issues. He says, basically, that the truth of the data is being distorted to further an alarmist agenda. The point of this article isn’t the scientific nature (or lack thereof) of the climate alarmism around us, as Mr. Koonin details, but that humanism by its very nature always runs to one-world government, population control and tyranny. The principles of humanism must invariably lead to these things so it should be no surprise to Christians when they see that religious humanists regard the climate as a political issue and all those who advocate to “solve” the fantastical crisis of our time are basically Marxist in their approach.
The thing to understand is that a humanist is actually a man hater. To be a God-denier is to reject God’s sovereignty over life and morality. Life’s events, particularly the future, fill the atheist with dread since God isn’t in control of it. This is why non-Christian epistemology always leads to utopian and collectivist tyranny. God’s command “to be fruitful and multiply” is offensive to humanists. They don’t want the responsibility of family and the maturity it demands. They don’t want the limitations on their sexual behavior. Evidence of this is everywhere – from abortion to modern media all but normalizing porn and fornication. Sex without lifelong commitment is the rule of the day. They have taught our children that sex is love. Love, therefore, isn’t the power and character of God, but the power of our genitals. Humanism warps the sex act into a self-serving religion unto itself, the mark of the human being. But this type of man is dominated by his appetites, not his honor or commitment. He must be served. He can’t control himself. This isn’t freedom, but slavery to one’s urges. Only in biblical sexuality do we find love, freedom, and non-contradictory joy.
The believers in over-population, from back in the days of Plato to our present Bill Gates, have this one thing in common: in rejecting God’s sovereignty, they fear life and freedom. In recent memory, lest we forget, the same crew that was claiming we’d all be dead by starvation by 1975, or die in a new ice-age by 1990, is now saying that oil and coal are evil. Well, no matter how much events have disproven their preposterous theories, the press and educational cabal continues to cover them. And they must because they all share the same presupposition: there is no God, so we must be the controller of the future. Such a premise leads to the desire to control life through government. Climate change is merely the tactic they’re using to advance this goal. The prime emotion of the humanist is fear. Separated from God they live in a hostile world with no hope for the future. This is why, socially and politically, their basic fear is freedom. Big families are a threat. Economic independence is a threat. Armed citizens with savings, not reliant on the state for life’s necessities are a threat. Freedom threatens humanism because it means the future isn’t in their control and that maturity (personal responsibility) is possible for mankind.
Thus, to talk with climate alarmists, COVID fanatics, and all who use this or that thing to advance government control, is to talk about religion. The ones in power want that power to control the future and the ones not in power want those who have it to alleviate for them the burdens of life. They want, in effect, to be fundamentally immature, to be taken care of rather than to serve. They see voting and politics as a religious action the way a Christian would see prayer. Thanksgiving to God for blessings; supplications for our needs. The humanist perverts this with self-praise of what government does and protesting and/or voting for our needs.
The basics of humanism are what animates their lives and minds. On a deep and fundamental level they believe that life is dangerous, even terrifying, unless man is in control of every aspect. This is why statism (socialism, marxism, fascism, etc.) is idolatrous. It’s why one-worlders and socialists try and break one’s dependence on self and family and replace it with the state. It’s why blue state governors thought nothing of closing churches during the lockdowns. It’s the outworking of their essential starting point in life: man is the final arbiter of right and wrong. Governors Cuomo, Whitmer and Newsom hate God. They won’t admit that, of course, but watch their actions. They play god every chance they get and despise all checks on their authority. The confused masses that vote for such tyranny only support it because they’re convinced that these dictators are keeping their future safe and taking care of them. It doesn’t dawn on the humanist voter that these are religious goals, not political.
It’s in this way that the Newsom’s and Cuomo’s of the world try and advance a Messianic state.
To all this we must warn the Christian that God is sovereign over all, even the state. The state does not get its power from voters, itself or anything else, save God. If it does, that means that man is the final judge of morality, which is the principle of Genesis 3:5 played out (and you shall be like God). This is the spirit that animates humanism – the desire to be god. For thousands of years mankind lived in constant war with the environment. Oil and electricity has changed that and given us incredible blessings impossible to fathom just 100 years ago. All the technological advancements of the last century have been built on the power of the power grid and the internal combustion engine. Flip a switch and you have lights, heat, air conditioning, something cold to drink, etc. These are luxuries that stagger the imagination and have provided freedom and wealth to mankind that we should rejoice in, praising the Lord.
But humanism wants to destroy these things for this very reason. Freedom, life, fertility and family are antithetical to the humanist doctrine. They have basically stolen children from the family through the advancement of sinful sexuality and modern education. Abortion isn’t just about killing a child in the womb but the celebration of humanistic sexual freedom and the abolishment of family. Now they desire to abolish the freedom that electricity and oil provide. Anything that God commands, humanism resists. And since God is good, following him leads to peace, family stability, wealth, and independence through the family structure. The state serves and is subordinate to the family in God’s plan. God has ordained that the family is the primary personal and social structure. This thought terrifies the humanist because they have an existential need to control others and desire to avoid responsibility. They use crafty arguments to delude people into becoming dependent upon the state, where they can then be controlled. But Proverbs 12:10 tells us “but even the compassion of the wicked is cruel.” It’s cruel because it steals life and liberty.
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