“Did God really say…” Genesis 3:1
During yesterday’s humanism pep-rally, er, I mean, State of the Union, President Joe Biden reached, at least until next time, the high water mark of modern hubris. To understand Mr. Biden’s speech in its biblical context and, therefore, as a challenge to the Almighty One, a reckless dare of a mouse prancing before the Lion of Judah, we must understand that the West is collapsing before our eyes.
Consider first the almost sickening tone of self-righteousness dripping grossly from the president’s every word. The pep rally tone is that which the modern Democrat voter demands since their spiritual-intellectual motive is vanity. The collective pat on the back for themselves is commensurate with the motive power of their self-righteousness. Democrat voters are promised two very real rewards from their false god, the state. Those dependent on government largess, the labor of their neighbors, get their jobs from the state, or their checks, their benefits, and so on. They are net economic winners from this redistribution machine of covetousness that socialism has created. They vote to get. To get healthcare, education, housing…whatever. They’d never in a million years see themselves as greedy thieves and last night’s pep rally was more of the same. “You are owed,” Mr. Biden told them, “And I will deliver.”
The Bible tells us that we owe God our devotion and faith. It tells us to trust only in Him for our security. To Mr. Biden and the modern humanist, that’s the height of folly! To trust in the Lord for one’s whole life – economically especially – is a veritable laugh riot to the modern ear.
On the other side of the Democratic bus, traveling down that road to cultural collapse, are those who are “professionals” – the teachers, the professors, the white-collar folks. They’re convinced that they’re good people. While they aren’t necessarily net winners of government money, they most certainly do lap up the praise and glory of being benefactors to those who are. Their spiritual motive is vain glory. “You care,” the president was telling them, “like me…we’re all the best of history, the best of people, because we know that it’s government that cares and takes care, and solves problems, all problems and all things that are against the state are bad…very bad.” Yes, it’s that simple.
If you listened and wondered how so many millions of people voted for the president, maybe even considered it impossible, you haven’t reckoned with Scripture. The Devil is a liar and was a liar from the beginning (John 8:44). There was no truth in Mr. Biden’s speech because the hallmark of sin is self-deceit and people literally want to be and stay deceived.
How did this start? How did it get so bad that a man professed economic stability when, in fact, he runs a government that’s an inconceivable $32 trillion in debt? How could he say that the rich don’t “pay their fair share” when the truth is that the bottom 50% of earners in America pay a mere 2.3% of all federal taxes?! How could a man who believes in no absolute morality be so moralistic?
“…claiming to be wise they became fools and their foolish hearts were darkened…(Romans 1:21).”
It’s a mistake to see last night’s speech as political. It was religious. America’s woe isn’t what we think it is; it’s not Democrat versus Republican but, rather, Christianity versus humanism. And the god of humanism is the self – manifested through the state. If you see the speech in this light it all makes sense. The poor, the net-gainers of the false-god state, hear the Enemy’s lie that God won’t provide bread for them, or education, or housing. They hear him, that old liar, Satan, and believe, and the false-god state turns the rocks into bread and they worship the state and its current prophet, that old man, Joe Biden. The high-priests of the false-god, especially our teachers and bureaucrats, who are paid by the tithes taken from the production of the land, applaud themselves as they applaud the Beast.
Why high-priests? Don’t our schools, one and all, that we’re forced to pay tithes to lest everyone end up stupid (it’s a doctrinal truth of the humanists that no education can take place unless they do it…by force) teach Darwinism and outlaw Christ? Upon this point the humanists who call themselves Christians are hemophiliac. Scratch them and they bleed to death. Their false religion is here. Right here. What do they truly believe and teach? Is God the Creator or is man his own god, his own purpose? Our kids learn humanism five days a week in a multi-billion dollar apparatus and you wonder why Joe Biden is president.
Socialism is but a product of humanism and humanism, the belief that man is god, declares the right to legislate at will. It refuses to repent to God, has no shame, and calls those who preach God’s word to repent. Humanism isn’t neutral. It’s full-on flaming hatred of God because He has the temerity to declare Himself sovereign.
Also, humanism declares the right to define sin at will. Sin is calling sin a sin now; righteousness is sin and fornication is freedom in the new ethos. The Bible is a closed law-book but Joe Biden, being the High Priest of humanism, declared new laws by the boatload. He must. Humanism, declaring that man is god, is always at war with reality, trying to regulate God’s created order to his own will rather than God’s. He, sinful man, regulates incessantly; there’s no end to passing new laws in order to “fix” reality according to his belief that he’s god.
In the end, humanism runs to tyranny because sin is always a suicidal endeavor (Proverbs 8:36). There’s a Stalin and a Mao around every corner because the logic of humanism is to get rid of “sin” by eradicating freedom.
Sinful man rejects God as Creator (Darwinism) and is unthankful for his blessings, resents scarcity of any kind, or responsibility, which is all evidence of God being God and not man. The logic is simple. Darwinism in schools tells a child that there’s no God – and even if there is one, he’s a puny god, a distant one, a sentimental one. The real god is the one, per humanism, that provides and cares and brings security and that’s the state.
This was why Mr. Biden’s speech was focused so much on economics. Satan is the first social justice warrior. He called attention to unfulfilled desire in the Garden and again to Jesus in the wilderness. He thinks he’s an angel of light. He tells his children that “it’s not fair” that God didn’t create a world without worry and struggle. He accused God of sin in the Garden and does it now. We see Satan as some kind of cartoonish thing of evil – hopelessly stupid. But true evil isn’t uneducated or stupid in that way. On the contrary, the father of evil is the father of lies, which means he’s the one who hates that God will not let him have his own way. So, Satan dangles the carrot of self-sufficiency before us. He promises freedom from God and His law. Humanism’s freedom is Satan’s war on God. It’s the insistence that God has no right over him and, indeed, owes him life on his (man’s) terms.
Of course, if men can redefine moral law, why not economic law too? If God said He created the world but teachers say it was a cosmic-poot, a pointless and meaningless bang, and every man is his own god, why not do what makes you feel good? If God’s closed law-book teaches sexual purity, but He’s not the Creator, He’s just another voice among many. Go ahead and have sex with whoever and however you want. And then abort the babies that “accidentally” result. And subsidize the broken homes that result from the sexual anarchy. The state demands that God repent of making sexual rules and promises its followers, its worshippers, that if they break God’s moral law and have sex out of wedlock, that they will provide the bread and shelter. “Go ahead…” the false god says, “you shall not surely die…but be free.”
And if He says “thou shall not steal or covet” but He’s just that extra voice, not the Ultimate, maybe nothing at all, why should you have economic risk in your life? This business about having faith and relying on Him is nonsense.
Humanism is America’s religion. That’s what you heard last night. Darwinism is its creation account; public education and the universities are the keepers of its epistemology. Its ethical system is hedonism and all things for the state, the state for all things. America thinks it has no religion but that’s not true. It is the most religious country in the world and it bends its knee to the Baal of the false state-god.
It’s important to understand in light of Romans 1 that there are no atheists. The Bible teaches that man is either going to worship the true God or a false one. Scripture never takes atheism seriously because it’s merely a cover for hatred of God and His sovereignty. The righteous shall live by faith (Romans 1:17) and the unrighteous, those who reject Christ and persist in irrationality, who say the world came into being by accident, and murder the minds and hearts of millions of children by teaching this lie, live by unfaithfulness. That’s the logic of Romans 1:17-32. The unrighteous follow their principle of the suppression of the truth (that God is the Creator). This makes them unthankful to Him, vain in their reasonings, impressed with self rather than God, and given over to do what ought not to be done.
So, yes, the president’s speech was the ringing bells of humanistic hubris and self-deceit. It all makes sense. If there is no Creator God who owns all, then we are free. But that freedom isn’t what we think. We still live in His world regardless of what we tell ourselves. We need meaning, so we either repent and turn to Him in truth or worship earthly things. We must eat and have shelter, so we follow Him, obey Him, or we turn to the state for that security. And in the end, we must all choose. If Satan was so bold as to tempt Christ in the wilderness, why do we think he’s not tempting us too? Be warned. Choose Christ and His holy law-word, not the lies of humanism and its false security granted through the false god-state.
“They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.” 2 Peter 2:19 ESV
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