“A good name [earned by honorable behavior, godly wisdom, moral courage, and personal integrity] is more desirable than great riches; And favor is better than silver and gold.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭22:1‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Sometimes the Bible is so vastly different from the core values of modern life that it’s like a sledgehammer blow to the noggin. The dearth of wisdom in our time is everywhere apparent. We seek the “gold and silver” of championships, riches, big salaries, prestige and, yes, power. And we’re unapologetic about it.

The thing about it is that our highest goal in life sets the table for everything else that follows. Ever wonder why this simple question isn’t first and foremost in everything we do? Ever wonder why bosses, teachers, leaders, coaches and parents don’t start every single day by reminding their charges of the most elemental fact of life?  It would surely make all the difference in the world.  So, why don’t they do it?


In order to continue on the path of self-glory, we must routinely suppress the obvious. Like a boxer getting up early in the morning to do roadwork, sinners must suppress the truth about life. Any reminder about God’s sovereignty is anathema; God’s authority over life is toxic to sin’s presumption of self-rule. The problem is that this suppression of God throws life and our goals and purpose into a storm of confusion. What’s the highest goal of life, then? Without God it must be self. Without righteousness through faith and the obedience of faith (Romans 1:5) man will pursue the goal of self-glory and pleasure as far as he’s able. Hedonism is man’s default setting; Epicureanism is the “higher” version of man’s mad dash to reward himself with happiness in a meaningless void.

Hedonism is the life of frat boys. It pursues raw pleasure through sex and intoxication whenever and wherever it can. Hedonism is the standard of all those who consider one’s own evaluation of reality is the final arbiter of right and wrong in life. It has staggering consequences down the line. For example, pro-abortion advocates are convinced, not necessarily that the fetus isn’t a human life but that their own sexual profligacy is unassailable. The consequences of sexual licentiousness (pregnancy) must be eradicated in order for them to continue with the facade that they can literally do anything they want, whenever they want.

Epicureanism is higher class hedonism. It’s the educated snob sipping the best wines, listening to smart music, seated at the best restaurant, enjoying their wealth. Self-glory is the still the summum-bonum (Latin expression for highest or ultimate good). They aren’t drunken and debauched like the frat boy. Their pursuit of pleasure is measured and disciplined and it’s pride – their inflated self-worth and not the honor of God – that keeps them from the excesses of the flesh. They’re “better than that.” They are the private box seat crowd. They’re the ones that give to public “charities” for the honor of having their names known (and for the tax write offs).

In all, we speak so much about the rich and poor in America. We never speak of fear of God, holiness and sin. In this country, though, we’re better to speak of the economic divide of the hedonists and the epicureans. The hedonists, due to their dissipation and lack of long-term planning, are generally poor. The epicureans are wealthier because they pace themselves and don’t waste their time, energy and resources. The hedonist, in a crazed passion, sacrifices tomorrow for physical pleasure today; the epicurean will discipline themselves today in order to have high class comforts, pleasure and worldly success tomorrow.

They’ll both take these pursuits of self with them to Judgment Day where they’ll learn the hard way that their life was never their own, but God’s. We’ll all give an accounting of ourselves.

The math is simple. Since none of us are the highest good in the universe and God is, we need to live for Him. Since none of us is the source and power of life – including our own – we owe Him our all. Even if you never know anything else other than this, it will protect your mind from the foolishness of thinking you are your own.

The Westminster Shorter Catechism answers the question, “what is the chief end of man?” Succinctly and biblically it answers, “to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” Indeed, whatever you do, whether eating or drinking or working or playing…do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). Whatever your hand finds to do, do it for the Lord (Ecclesiastes 9:10). Work with focus and skill – from the heart – not for men, but for God…seeking His glory rather than your own (Colossians 3:23). Be responsible with your talents, time, labor and property in the honor of Him who owns all them (Romans 11:36) while seeking Him first in everything you do and you’ll find life (Matthew 6:33). All your gifts and talents have come from Him anyway (Romans 11:35; James 1:17) so living a life of make-believe will only make you miserable and destroy you in the end.

The secret of life is Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. Fear God, which is to say that we’re to be in literal awe of Him, knowing always that He’s the super-sovereign of everything and that we, in Christ, are His vice-regents in every field we’re in). And keep His commandments of faith. This is the truth at the bottom of all truths on earth and it will help you make sense of your life and your every single day. You are the Lord’s. Repent of your sins, trust in Christ alone, and then put yourself to the task of bearing fruit for Him in whatever field you can. If in service, then serve. If you mow lawns, if you balance the financial books, if you write code, if you teach…do all of it for Him. The mother, the landscaper, the accountant…all of these are from the Lord and in Him the service is sanctified, not small nor petty nor insignificant. Do you wonder if you and your life matter at all? Look at the Scripture and see how whole chapters are full of the names of people…real people like you and men. See how Paul at the end of that magnificent book of books, Romans, spends so much ink speaking about the people he loves. They’re all recorded for our encouragement.

Christian…listen…if you so much as offer a cup of water in His name, for His glory, knowing that He is the source and goal of all things, your name is written in the book of life (Mark 9:41). You won’t ever, ever be lost because you are His!

So, give up seeking self-glory. Seek Him in everything you do and He will make a masterpiece of your life in ways you can’t fathom. And then, and only then, you will have a good name because your name will be spoken by Him…as His friend, as His bride and beloved. Don’t despair today, Christian. That Day is coming. In Christ you have all. You have security and meaning and direction. Follow Him. Always.