From our friends at Apologia Church:
We believe that the Triune God who revealed Himself in His dealing with the people of Israel, and then most particularly in the coming of the Son of God, Jesus the Messiah, and today in the ministry of the Holy Spirit in His Church, made mankind in His image, and gave to man dominion over the world as His steward and representative. In opposition to the assertions of secularism, we assert that man’s life has transcendent value because of this act of special creation on the part of God. God’s law, therefore, is the highest standard by which man, God’s creature, is called to live and abide.
For this reason we condemn as a blatant act of rebellion and murder the destruction of the lives of unique pre- born humans in the womb. The plague of abortion brings God’s judgment upon any nation or people who would place their self-claimed sexual liberty above that of the value of human life as God has proclaimed and defined it. Obedience to the commandment to preserve life is multi-faceted and provides a broad and deep understanding of how Christians are to seek to honor God by honoring life itself.
We also assert that while we are to preserve life, we are to do so in accordance with God’s will. God’s law provides for freedom, for liberty of conscience, and these realities are to be exercised by mankind in light of God’s revealed will that man is to live for His glory always recognizing his own mortality and the briefness of life. We are not to live in constant fear of death, and indeed it is for this reason that the gospel removes our dread of death and gives to us life eternal.
Christians therefore proclaim Christ’s Lordship over all realms, for, as He claimed, all authority has been given to Him in heaven and upon earth (Matthew 28:18). In light of His Kingship, we assert that men and women have the right to refuse mandatory medical procedures, actions, medications, or injections, whether these actions are ordered by the highest government authorities, or lesser authorities, such as an employer or local magistrate. They may do so when they are convinced that these medical procedures could threaten their life, their future health, their future fertility, and their wellbeing. Further, parents have the right and responsibility to make said decisions for their children as well, without external interference.
We believe and assert that a Christian’s conscience can properly and validly submit to medical procedures, such as in the taking of tested and proven medications and vaccines, giving thanks to God whose ordering of His creation has allowed such wondrous advancements. At the same time, we believe and assert that many sound bases may exist for a Christian to refuse similar treatments, such as when they lack long-term safety information, have deleterious and dangerous side-effects, possible unknown impacts upon pre-existing medical conditions, and originate from fetal stem cell lines via abortion. Likewise, one may be convinced that the demanded procedure arises not from a public health concern, but from political machinations and activities that are opposed to God’s truth and ways, and hence are to be resisted. We assert that the conscience cannot be coerced, and that all such attempts to do so are in opposition to divine truth.
Therefore, we assert in the name and authority of our Lord Jesus Christ that we and our members have the right and the responsibility to research fully the issues relevant to all such medical matters; that free flow of information must be guaranteed and protected; and that we have the right to refuse such experimentation and mandatory procedures, including vaccination, upon sound religious grounds. We likewise call upon all governmental agencies, businesses, schools, employers of all types, to respect these deeply held religious conclusions and convictions, and to honor our religious liberty and freedom by granting religious exemptions as requested.
To Whom It May Concern:
The eldership of Apologia Church is writing on the behalf of _______________ to confirm that his/her sincerely held religious beliefs prevent him from receiving a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination. Our church, for ourselves and our congregants, affirms the right to take religious exemption against mandatory vaccination by governmental authorities and/or employer. Our congregation has also issued a statement confirming this right according to our doctrinal standards and Scripture.
____________ application for religious exemption is, therefore, not merely a matter of personal opinion or preference, but of bona fide religious conviction with the support of his/her church. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
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