“Or what king, when he sets out to meet another king in battle, will not first sit down and consider whether he is strong enough with ten thousand men to encounter the one coming against him with twenty thousand?  Or else, while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace.”  Luke 14:31-32

First, this is now the fourth panic since 2016.  The first was that President Trump was a Russian agent.  That claim, unsupported by any facts whatsoever, was nevertheless trumpeted (pun intended) by all the usual suspects (the Casablanca reference is deliberate).  Next, remember the calm and clear public debate we had before the COVID shutdowns, carefully weighing our options?  Right.   Me neither.  There never was one.  We’ve got to do something or we’re all gonna die!  That was hysteria, not reason.  And then we had the BLM riots, ostensibly in the name of justice.

On all three counts, this blog has gone against the tide.  On all three, especially COVID and BLM, we’ve counseled biblical discretion and wisdom and have been, by any objective reckoning, correct. I know…no one likes an “I told ya so” fella, but, hey, the suit fits nicely, so thank you very much (in my head I’m using my Elvis voice).

Now we have Russia.  All the cool kids are telling us that the invasion of Ukraine is the worst thing to ever happen in the history of worst things.  We say, slow down.  We need a deep breath, not a deep state.  Calm down and consider things carefully. Why?  Simple.  Like I warned about the evisceration of civil rights and coming inflation due to panicked responses to COVID, and the destruction of private property and the toll of anarchy (see Kyle Rittenhouse) due to BLM, I’ve got a greater warning this time. Sorry, but I do.  A war with Russia, which we seem determined to get into, would very well leave America – all of it – looking quite like downtown Kenosha in August of 2020.

Last November the U.S. told Ukraine that it would fast-track a NATO membership for her despite severe Russian aversion to that.  Why would America do that?  Did anyone discuss this publicly?

Over the past weekend, Secretary of State Blinken “green lighted” Poland, a NATO member, to send warplanes to Ukraine.  That’s a hostile act that very well might cause Russia to retaliate against Poland.  Did I mention she’s a NATO member?  You know what that means?  It means that we’d be duty bound to defend Poland and that would mean, alas, a direct conflict with Russia.  Was Congress consulted about this?  Did Congress vote for a war with Russia when no one was looking?

It’s sort of important to know that a few years ago there were some war games conducted.  They studied a full-on war between the U.S. and Russia.  Cool stuff, that.  Ready for my logic?  Sitting down, are you?

A few years ago, to give us context, the Imperial College of London did some projections on the impact of COVID-19 that were proven later to be way off base.  Nevertheless, we calmly (smell the sarcasm?) decided to shut the world down for the first time ever.  I mean that.  You lived through the greatest mass-hysteria the world has ever known.  Working off of flawed data from the Imperial College, just one study that had no basis in fact, we quarantined the healthy with the sick.  We closed businesses.  We obliterated civil rights and set off on a health panic unparalleled in history.  The flawed study said that this was necessary to save a million lives in America.  No one questioned this at all and we happily, hysterically, and stupidly went into lockdown.  Churches closed.  And anyone asking questions was branded a hateful hater of whom we should all hate with the grandest and most intense hatred of all hate in the history of hate.

Flawed study.  Later corrected.  Oops.  My bad.  Look!  Masks will save us!  Yep, wear a mask and forget that we ever started this whole experiment of health-hysteria based on flawed data to start with.  Oh, look!  A new vaccine that will keep you from getting the most dreadful thing that we overestimated.  Oh, wait…you can still get it.  But you can’t spread it.  Wait…no, you can spread it too.  But you won’t get it too bad and we know that the same way we knew all the other stuff we were wrong about.  Oh, and yeah, cloth masks didn’t work either.  Look…Russia!

Okay…still with me?  Here’s the hammer.  The war game predicted that an honest to goodness shooting match with those pesky Ruskies would cause…wait for it…1 billion deaths.

That’s with a B.  It’s not a typo.

So, if the logic of saving lives that required everyone lose their minds, stay home, close their small businesses but still shop at War-Mart, put on a mask unless they were eating/drinking, was about saving 1 million U.S. lives, how does this make sense?

It’s upon this hill that I’m willing to make my stand of logic.  This is my logical hill to die on.  Fire away with your objections.  A war with Russia, who’s the only nation in the world with the nukes to reduce all of America to, say, the status of Detroit, that is destroy it, isn’t a small issue.  It’s not even a big issue.  It’s a colossal issue.  It’s a potentially existential one.  Don’t you think that Secretary Blinken should have said that the other day when he blithely “green lighted” a NATO ally to up the ante?  Don’t you think that that paragon of wisdom and restraint, Senator Lindsay Graham, who called for the assassination of Mr. Putin, should have maybe mentioned that?  I mean, gee whiz…1 billion deaths seems like a lot more than 1 million.  Just spitballing here.

You see, just like I said that “two weeks to flatten the curve” really meant, “Everyone, panic and surrender your logic and rights!” I’m telling you now, on the basis of logic and history, that it appears we’re literally trying to broaden this conflict.  At the risk of 1 billion lives.  Did you know that?  Has the media that’s blasting all these images of the world’s first Instagram war bothered to temper its coverage so as to quell hysteria and encourage sober judgement?  You don’t have to be downright evil to be a blithering idiot but blithering idiots cause lots of evil.

Okay, so what to do?  Let’s do what Reagan did.  He already showed us how to handle this.

President Reagan was condemned by the American media and liberals (but I repeat myself) for calling the USSR an “evil empire” after they shot down a commercial airline that trespassed their airspace.  The cool kids all said he was going to start World War Three with his “violent and moralistic” rhetoric.  But Reagan, you see, had something that’s lacking today.  He had wisdom.  He knew that America was morally superior to Soviet Russia because freedom is better than slavery.  But he knew that a war with the evil empire would be catastrophic so he planned to beat them without firing a shot.  He did this by building up an America that was tottering due to inflation and economic weakness!  He lowered taxes and shored up the dollar.  He encouraged free enterprise.  He intended to let liberty loose so that he could spend the profits on America’s war machine.  This would draw the slave-state of Soviet Russia into a spending war it couldn’t win.  Just as the North was richer than the South due to free enterprise always being more productive than slave labor, Reagan knew that we’d win.  And we’d win without firing a shot.  We’d win by being America.  We’d win through economic prosperity, free speech, and a Rambo-sized military that no one could compete with.  Reagan’s foreign policy was all Dirty Harry.  He had that huge hand-cannon pointed at the bad guy’s head and said, “Go ahead, make my day…do ya feel lucky, punk?”

Liberals hated him for that because they identified (and still do) with the punk.

Predictably, liberals and the media called him crazy.  They said he was stupid.  They called him senile.  The rock band, Genesis, made a video mocking the great president, showing him stupidly setting off a nuclear exchange.  That was the 80’s.  Hollywood, media, and music all hammered away at the narrative that Reagan was the problem.  They lost their collective minds (speaking as though they were in possession of them in the first place, but I digress) at Reagan’s greatest moment – telling Mr. Gorbachev to “tear down this wall.”

Then, right after Reagan left office, the Berlin Wall came down.  Then the Soviet Union fell.  Reagan won just as he said he would.  And the left never apologized.  They never admitted how wrong they were, nor will they ever because sinners never repent…they just feel sorry for themselves when the consequences hit them.

But what is Mr. Biden doing?  The opposite.  He’s suspended American free enterprise (Keystone pipeline).  He wants bigger government, not smaller.  He wants less oil production domestically so that he can buy it from despotic nations abroad – if not from Russia then maybe Iran, Saudi Arabia or Venezuela.  Taxes?  Raise, not lower them.  Inflation?  Rising.  Oil prices?  Through the roof!  Economic stability?  Like one of President Biden’s off-the-cuff remarks…unsteady, rambling, and maybe all a-shambles.  The sanctions that are hitting Russia may very well boomerang back on us since we’re so debt-ridden too.  Without strong economic fundamentals at home (as Reagan cherished), like low taxes, strong free enterprise, and controlled government spending, we’re like a heavy handed fighter with a weak chin.  That’s Joe Biden’s America…Tommy Morrison, or Naseem Hamed.  Big punch, little chin.  Reagan understood that real power meant strong domestic fundamentals.

Joe Biden is no President Reagan and, therefore, has no plan to win this war with any wisdom.  That’s my answer to Ukraine.  Do what Reagan did.  It worked then and will work again.  But we live in a time of dumbed-down hysteria fueled by an education system that’s fundamentally communist (in their core convictions) and has destroyed critical thinking (how many high-school graduates can name one logical fallacy?).  American schools have produced a generation of graduates who think emotions are tools of cognition.  They don’t believe in truth but believe in “their” truth.  This has led to what we see around us.  A real problem occurs and we “solve it” emotionally like a child rampaging through a house with a golf club trying to swat a fly.  That’s what we did with COVID and George Floyd.  In the name of “doing something” we smashed the house up and wrecked the furniture, sure that our parents would come home later and clean up.  The problem here is that this overreaction might literally blow up the house.

So, pray for wisdom.  Pray that the Lord protects us.  Pray for clear thinking to prevail.  As I was right about the previous hysterics, I’m dreadfully concerned that I’m right again.  This is no longer Reagan’s America and our leaders/media are either corrupt or idiotic.  Either way, no matter what, war with Russia and economic collapse aren’t a virus or a protest.  Our call is for America to repent of its sin, humble itself before God, and then rise up and correct its leaders before they dash into the raging inferno of stupidity.