“‘They bend their tongue like their bow; Lies and not truth prevail in the land; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they do not know Me,’ declares the Lord.” Jeremiah 9:3

Trying to achieve the purposes of God through the means of men is not only unfaithful, but insane. Do we think we can defeat Satan with the very mechanisms of the flesh that are hostile to God?

Ours, like Jeremiah’s, is an age of lies. Trust in our institutions has cratered not for any spurious reasons but because we’re awash in literally systemic duplicity.

And lies are what we get when we don’t love the truth; and we don’t love the truth when we don’t cherish His word because His word is Truth (John 17:17)

Since yesterday when the Supreme Court narrowly refused to strike down (though didn’t affirm, and there’s a critical difference) the Texas abortion law that limits abortions after the baby’s heartbeat is detected, Democrats’ deceitful hysteria has reached fever pitch.

President Biden immediately ordered his so-called Department of Justice and the Department of Health and Human Services to attack the Texas law, while simultaneously insisting that the Court’s ruling “insults the rule of law.” That’s rich. He further said that the Texas law “unleashes unconstitutional chaos.” The interesting thing to note about Democrats is that the only time they talk about the constitution is when they engage in caterwauling about any restriction on baby-slaughtering whatsoever. As far as they’re concerned the 9th and 10th Amendments don’t exist and neither does any law they don’t like.

For example, they’re great fans of “sanctuary cities” where cesspool leftist quagmires like San Francisco, roiling in actual human excrement, homelessness and crime, ignore Federal immigration statutes. We can only imagine what they’d say if a city or state did that with abortion! The thing to understand is that Dred Scott was a horrible ruling and everyone understands that now. Roe was worse as it kicked off the wholesale slaughter of over 50 million souls in the womb. The level of duplicity that’s arisen to cover up this moral madness is impressive.

Abortion is called “women’s rights” or “women’s health” by its protectors. They say they’re pro-choice. Ah, such fantastic carnage to truth and language. Sexual intercourse is a choice. No one has suggested placing limits upon the private sexual behavior of any woman at all and to conflate the two shows clearly how duplicitous the crazed abortion-happy mob is. Pregnancy, obviously, is a consequence of a choice. That choice was sexual intercourse. Pregnancy isn’t a metaphysical-given. It doesn’t just happen. To call the extermination of the most vulnerable life in the world – a baby inside the womb of the mother – a health choice is the cruelest deceit.

“Let everyone be on guard against his neighbor, and do not trust any brother;
Because every brother deals craftily, 
And every neighbor goes about as a slanderer.
Everyone deceives his neighbor 
And does not speak the truth.”  
Jeremiah 9:4-5

Nancy Pelosi, the alleged Catholic Speaker of the House, said that every woman, everywhere has the constitutional right to basic healthcare. She says that the provision is a “cynical, backdoor attempt by partisan lawmakers to evade the Constitution and the law to destroy not only a woman’s right to health care but potentially any right or protection that partisan lawmakers target.”

Talk about projecting!

Ms. Pelosi proves that, though God certainly isn’t a Republican, the Devil is definitely a Democrat.

Never once does the Speaker mention the Constitution in reference to any other law she prefers since, basically, all of her political beliefs violate any clear reading of America’s supreme legal document. Nor does she or her allies muster the intellectual courage to make a case as to why they’re so gung-ho to kill a baby. This is the central thing. All the bluster about healthcare is disingenuous in the extreme. Fetus is Latin for “little baby”. That’s what we’re talking about. A life. A human life.

Don’t ever forget that.

The pop-singer Cher, opined that soon Texas will require women to start wearing burqas. That’s interesting because, for one, Cher and her ilk support the forced wearing of masks – ostensibly to save lives. What’s wrong with one but not the other? I’m just wondering. If you’re willing to curtail clear-cut constitutional rights because someone maybe, just might, accidentally and unwittingly infect someone with a virus that maybe, just might, possibly, kill them, why not support abortion restrictions to save a life too? After all, the death rate of abortion is 100%. The survival rate from COVID is nearly that for healthy people. Second, that sounds uncannily like criticism of Islam, which is something the Democrats never do.

As always, Democrats support things that God hates, like tyranny and sexual profligacy, and despise those things He commands, like personal responsibility and freedom.

The whole episode shows us a few things.

First, Democrats, despite their evil ideology of death (abortion), sexual irresponsibility (is there a perversion they don’t champion?), covetousness (always worrying about what everyone else has), theft (redistribution of wealth schemes galore) and general lawlessness (see the southern border for the most obvious example), are fighters. They never stop. What was attributed to the Terminator in the classic movie is actually true of them.

Second, Republicans on the whole are a feckless group of wimp-bags. If one state or so-called pro-life governor fought the way Democrats do, we’d be in a whole different world right now. Instead of using the legal power of their office to fight the tyrannical rules, especially the murderous Roe which, like we said, is easily the worst ruling in the history of rulings, they’re a bunch of well-fed losers. When you’re always worried about your enemies liking you, and struggle to not cause them too great a perturbation, you’re a coward and unfit to lead.

Third, and most important, these obvious facts show us that this isn’t a political battle. Not ultimately. It’s spiritual warfare that can only be won by spiritual means. So, yes, this is a call to arms for the church – but those “arms” being the basics of our blessed faith: prayer, fellowship, and study and personal application of His word! To think that people are confused about whether or not they’re actually killing a baby with abortion is preposterous. What else could it be!? And the only way to get to Romans 1:32 where culture celebrates evil as good, and calls those who speak the blatantly obvious evil, is by refusing to know God.

So, congratulations to Texas for doing what it could to save lives. My guess is that later, when the substance of the law comes before the court, the victory will be overturned…but that’s another worry for another day.

Victor Davis Hanson remarked that Donald Trump was like chemotherapy for America. I’d agree with that. The country is so sick with sin, dying from it step by horrible step, that the former president, though poison, was a poison to kill the deep state and the corrupt Democrat party that’s the primary legal engine of that demise. The court ruling that set this off was in large part due to the Supreme Court justices Mr. Trump fought to get through. That being said, if a man like Donald Trump, for all his known and obvious flaws, could achieve so great a thing, imagine what we can do when we stand upon the word of the Lord? And as for all those belly-aching evangelical malcontents that voted for President Biden, one wonders what good they could have achieved had they hated abortion with a smidgen of the fury they heaped upon Trump. Wonder what’s wrong with the modern church? It’s full of people who are apparently unaware that mean tweets aren’t the moral horror that baby killing is.

Do you pray for a revival of America without us loving His word and obeying it? Stop. Pray for true revival. Consider:

“By this we know that we have come to know Him, if we keep His commandments.  The one who says, ‘I have come to know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him.”
1 John 2:3-4

“…’Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things,’ declares the Lord.”
Jeremiah 9:23-24

“And why call me Lord, Lord, and not do the things which I say?”
Luke 6:45-46

We’ve forgotten this. We’ve forgotten that imputed righteousness through faith in Christ and the resultant faithful living is true power. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are not the enemy, per se; sin is the enemy; the Devil, that liar, is the enemy. They are his agents and children (John 8:42-25; 1 John 2:4). What is the victory that we need to seek with our whole heart so that we might beat back the great evils around us? Faithfulness.

“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith.”
1 John 5:4

Why is this the case? Because Jesus came to overcome the works of Satan (1 John 3:8). The path to victory is only through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). So, though this victory in Texas is wonderful to behold and will save the lives of countless innocent children while in effect, we must know and remember that true victory comes from the Lord.

“The horse is prepared for the day of battle, 
But victory belongs to the Lord.”
Proverbs 21:31

Political victories are fine, but Christ is final. Faith in Him and living by that faith is our calling so that we’ll know how to live in this evil age. Yes, pay attention to the culture but never, never, never at the neglect of your own personal war against sin. Righteousness is power. Righteousness is peace with God. Thus, we should not pray for peace alone but for God’s name to be honored, His character to be adored, and His word to be obeyed – in our lives, our homes and our culture. This is what we should proclaim. Courage is knowing that the forces of evil are going to hate the truth but telling them anyway. The path out of this doesn’t and never has run through Washington. It runs to Calvary. It runs to our hearts soaring with love of the Father and pleasure in knowing and doing His perfect and life-giving will. Sin will make us cold. It will make us ignorant. And it will leave us as cowards. Only in Christ and holy living are we “more than conquerors.”