Our Purpose
Nothing is more important in life than living according to the principles of Scripture. There’s no greater treasure or possession we can have, no house or car or anything else under the sun, that compares to God’s life giving word. Of course, we can’t open the Bible and see something that says, “Jason, drop 15 pounds, move to Chicago, marry such and such, and become a writer.” That’s not how it works. Instead, we read and study the Scriptures to learn the holy principles therein and then we apply those principles to our lives. Knowing how to do this is what the Bible calls wisdom. There’s a dearth of that in today’s hurried and info heavy world and that’s the whole point of this blog…helping you understand and apply the principles that can transform your life and soul. Sweet and precious wisdom, rooted and founded in the Lord, is what all of us desperately need instead of moving from one point to the next in our lives, never anchored to anything but the expedience of the moment.
To that end, you’ll find that the material on this blog speaks to every area of life – family, relationships, politics, law, work…everything. Why? That’s simple…because the Lord is the Lord of all and there’s not a single aspect of life that His word doesn’t speak to, illuminate, and direct. The church in general and our lives in particular are often ineffective, even wimpy, lacking joy and direction, devoid of passion and certainty, because we’ve lost sight of the power of the word of God. It’s my hope and prayer that the work presented here draws you closer to Him through a more robust understanding of Scripture and fills you with a renewed and holy purpose in all that your hand finds to do. After all, as R.C. Sproul was fond of reminding us: right now counts forever.
About The Undefeated:
The west is collapsing
The West is collapsing. Freedom is on the decline because personal responsibility is deemed a vice, not a virtue. Instant gratification doesn’t just kill the character of the individual, when it’s rampant, it destroys families too…then society as well. The Undefeated is a story about this decline – and the battle waged against it by brave souls who dare to go the other way, to stand on principle and embrace risk and accountability. Sweet, heartbreaking and powerful, The Undefeated will remind you of the beauty and cost of freedom.
About Wild Justice:
Wild Justice is the story of man’s rebellion against God, how he tries to use politics to fix what ails us. We’re seeing that play out before our very eyes today in major cities across America. Turning from God and rejecting His offer of grace, we’ll turn our streets into war zones in the vain attempt to fix our problems. Wild Justice tells the story of a young revolutionary, raised up through the modern American system that taught him that his problems were “out there” rather than “in here.” He follows his convictions. He protests and riots. But then, when he inadvertently kills a man, there’s no hiding from the true consequences of his ideas. He sees them plainly. Then, running from justice on the Appalachian Trail, deep in the woods, he happens across a man of God. A series of debates ensue as the noose closes around him. The consequences of his actions stalk him while he’s transformed inwardly. In the end, Wild Justice shows that mankind can never fix his true and abiding problems through politics or anything except for the cross.
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Recent Post
Christian Stoicism
”There is a vanity that takes place on earth, that there are righteous people to whom it happens according to the deeds of the wicked, and there are wicked people to whom it happens according to the deeds of the righteous. I said that this also is vanity. And I...
MAGA: Make America Godly Again
The days of ignorant Christians, full of emotion, driven by worship bands rather than sound doctrine, tossed to and fro, uneducated in systematics and apologetics, has brought us to this steaming pile of sin. America’s borders are open because her heads are empty. Unless and until we see again that Jesus Christ is the way, the life and the truth we will succumb.
Joy or Bitterness
”How wonderful to be wise, to analyze and interpret things. Wisdom lights up a person’s face, softening its harshness.“ Ecclesiastes 8:1 NLT Even and especially in the dark times that try one’s soul, wisdom is a blessing. We’re often too fickle and too easily...
Defeating Anger & Impatience
Humility before God, and confidence in Him, gives us steadfastness; self-reliance and pride show up in quick tempers and truculent spirits.
Biblical Rebukes & Conflict
To bring a charge against a Christian must be done in the Lord’s order or not at all. To disobey this is to be guilty of literally attacking God’s church.
The Real Worth of Wealth
”There is an evil that I have seen under the sun, and it lies heavy on mankind (to introduce a discussion on the value of riches with the statement, “there is an evil,” ought to help us understand the context of wealth in God’s world. And we again read, under the...