John 18:32
“This was to fulfill the word that Jesus had spoken to show by what kind of death he was going to die.”
When we’re beset by injury, disease, and heartache it’s easy to question God’s control and goodness. This is sadly true and such trials cause many to flee the faith and others to be weak and fearful, afraid that something terrible is around every corner.
Yet the worrying Christian should take deep draughts of this Scripture. Jesus was no passive responder to his crucifixion. What men meant for evil, God meant for good. The Scripture says that our Lord endured suffering – even suffering so dreadful as the cross – for the glory before Him. And what glory is this exactly? It’s the glory of being the firstborn among many brethren, which is you and me.
This is how we ought to think about our trials. There is glory awaiting us and it’s the glory of heaven and God’s presence. We have suffering because we do not yet have His Kingdom reigning fully on earth but someday we will. Our Lord was a man intimately acquainted with sorrows. He knew and lived with the vicissitudes of earthly life and yet wasn’t broken, but exalted. Because of His triumph we have life too.
Nothing will rob the Christian life of peace and joy faster than fear and anxiety. Notice how Jesus lived even in the full light of the knowledge of the type of horrible death He would experience. But, again, he endured this for the glory before Him and, most importantly to us, for our redemption.
On the other side of the cross and Jesus’ resurrection, we have full assurance of our acceptance before God – holy and blameless. This must always be the centerpiece of our lives. We’re free of the ultimate worry. The gravest danger possible is to be lost eternally in hell. This can’t vex us any longer. God has done what we, weakened by the flesh, couldn’t do, and by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh God condemned sin. And now – behold! – the righteous requirements of the law are fulfilled in us. There is no greater reality, no greater truth, no greater joy than this if we think seriously about it. This is what it is to be saved. We deserve hell’s fire and instead we get glory, peace, joy and life abundant.
What if I lose my job? What if I never find the right person to marry? What if I get cancer? What if…what if…what if?
There’s no end to such perturbations except in the knowledge of the finished work of Christ. Jesus didn’t need to worry – He knew exactly what horrific fate awaited Him at Calvary. Likewise, brothers and sisters, God is not surprised by our trials either. He’s always upon his glorious throne and is beyond chance and disturbance. We must always find our rest in Him and know, truly know, that no fate will ever befall us that will succeed in separating us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. It’s not possible! Banish it from your worried and wearied meditations. What may seem awful and without reason now will ultimately reveal the glory of God. This is faith and life and peace. God’s love would mean nothing without His sovereignty; God’s sovereignty would only be horrifying to us sinners without His love. Brethren, He is assuredly both loving and sovereign. Nothing surprises Him or catches Him off guard AND there is no possible way that He will let us fall! We will stand, we will rise, and we will live because of Him.
Nothing now, nor in the days to come can separate us from the love of God.
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