“Though his hatred covers itself with guile, his wickedness will be revealed before the assembly. He who digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone, it will come back to him.” Proverbs 26:26-27

President Joe Biden gave a speech yesterday about inflation in which he lied and slandered. In our office as vicegerent (exercising delegated power from the Lord who has dominion over all), and in His name, we call on the President to repent of his sinful lies. There was virtually nothing the President said yesterday that was factual. This is the gist of the old man’s presidency unfortunately. Lies and slander. Let’s give a biblical analysis to his main points.

First, he either doesn’t know what inflation is or is deliberately lying about it. Inflation is an increase of the monetary supply. The government, media and education system would like to confuse you on this count because an economically ignorant population is easier to mislead. But inflation isn’t an increase in prices. That’s a consequence of it, not the thing itself. Two years ago the government told everyone to stay home and stop producing goods and services. Then they sent trillions of dollars (calling them stimulus checks) to citizens. The money didn’t come from a savings account. It was printed. Thus, we had less stuff and more money.

And that, boys and girls, is inflation.

COVID didn’t cause inflation. Government money-printing did.

They denied inflation would result from such a disastrous policy. Here on these pages we said, on the basis of Biblical truth, that that’s exactly what would happen. Then they said it would be transitory. Then they said we reached peak inflation. They’ve been wrong the entire time because their operating premises are secular humanistic. They reject the Biblical definition of economics (work, profit, save, invest) and demand that the State guarantee success.

The underlying premise of everything Mr. Biden said yesterday was that there was no separation of state and economy. In the modern mind, there’s a firewall between church and state – with the state being preeminent – but not so much as a curtain between state and economy. This is a disastrous and unbiblical philosophy. The earth is the Lord’s, not the State’s.

Second, Mr. Biden blamed Russia for inflation. This is preposterous and dangerous. Inflation was already raging long before Russia invaded Ukraine. A child could do the math on this point so not only is this a lie, but it’s an insulting one. Furthermore, the President’s insistence on personalizing everything (calling it the Putin Price Hike) is exceedingly dangerous. Such belligerence is vexing. We wonder why he’s so insistent on picking a fight with a nuclear armed Russia because this is exactly how you pick a fight.

Third, the President lied when he said that Republicans plan to fight inflation by raising taxes on the middle class. There’s no such plan, nor did he point to it. It’s a lie.

Fourth, Mr. Biden mentioned, oddly, that he was making suggestions to the Federal Reserve (America’s central bank by another name) in order to combat inflation. Curiously, he never detailed what they were. That’s quite an Orwellian tactic, methinks. For a president to invoke actions by the central planners and not bother to enumerate them isn’t an accident. It’s either emotional manipulation of the voters or worse. What happened to government by the people, for the people?

Fifth, the CPI numbers (Consumer Price Index) are equally a lie. The government isn’t measuring inflation the same way they used to in the 70’s and 80’s. CPI used to be gauged through a fixed basket of goods. If we used that metric today we wouldn’t have the worst inflation since 1981, it would be far worse. Ready? Peter Schiff of the Austrian school of economics says it would be 17.5%!

This is an accurate number and everyone suspects as much. Housing costs and rents are up at least 20% in most cities. Grocery store prices are up in the double digits too. Chicken is up 16.4, bacon up 17.7, and ground beef is up 14.8. Gas? The national average when President Biden took office was around $2.34. Today it’s $4.50. This staggering increase isn’t the result of COVID as they like to say since the economy had already re-opened as of late 2020. Furthermore, an increase in demand would have brought gas prices back to pre-COVID norms, correcting the deflationary aspect of the shutdown. It wouldn’t have caused them to double.

So, do you need to pay rent, buy groceries and drive to work?

If so, that means that you’re paying at least 25% more for housing, 15% for food, and 100% for gas. That makes the average American’s effective inflation rate something like 50%. So, the official CPI according to the old numbers is 17 and the things you need the most are up even more than that.

This isn’t the worst inflation since 1981, it’s the worst in American history. And you’re living through it. Oh, and yeah, it’s not going to abate anytime soon. How do I know that? Again, biblical economics are simple. To combat inflation the government needs to raise interest rates and decrease the money supply. But they can’t do that without crashing a debt-riddled economy. A monetary contraction would cause the government to raise taxes – at least doubling them to maintain current spending levels. Yeah. Right. That’s not going to happen.

When inflation was nearly as high in 1981 the interest rate was 20%. The interest rate must be higher than the actual inflation rate in order to put out the fire. But the current rate is about 1%. Even if we take the supposed CPI of 8.5%, that means we need to have interest rates above 10 in order to get a handle on this. There’s no way a 1 percent rate is gonna make a dent. This is the other reason we know that the President is lying. We repeat: only by raising interest rates above the actual inflation rate and diminishing the monetary supply are we going to reduce inflation. The President, of course, never mentioned this because that’s hard medicine and immature liars and tyrants have no stomach for the truth.

Sixth and finally, let us say, with great dismay, that this man is a lying liar who’s lying again. He maligned business owners as price-gougers to cover for his party’s malfeasance. This is a horrible sin and he must repent. Businesses that are trying to do the work the Lord gave them to do, providing goods and services, are true public servants. That they’ve been hit by rising prices and are passing them along is logical and necessary. Why are there always shortages and inflation in communist nations? Because of government interference in the property rights of citizens (the economy). Joe Biden is a career politician who has gotten rich on his so-called public service. His family has been enriched too. For him to stand there yesterday and impugn the integrity of actual businessmen and women, actual public servants who actually do things for a living rather than talk, is dangerous and sinful. We call on the President to repent of his slander and his lies. And we call on the American people to stop expecting something for nothing, turn back to God, embrace a Biblical view of work and money, and vote anything but Democrat.

Biblical economics are easy. Everything is the Lord’s. You are the Lord’s. He gave you gifts and talents to provide for yourself and family and serve your neighbor to His honor. The goal isn’t to make as much money as you can, but to honor Him and provide for yourself. Living a life of indolence is sinful (Proverbs 24:33). Living a life that requires others to care for you is sinful (save for disasters and tragedies). If a person doesn’t work they aren’t to receive charity (2 Thess. 3:10). Education, healthcare, and retirement are not Moloch’s (the State’s) business, but the family’s. If you don’t make as much money as your neighbor, or if you make more, it’s none of your concern insofar as no criminality is involved.

Thou shalt not covet!

If you want something, work for it and pay for it yourself. You have no right to anyone else’s labor or property. If you can’t afford what you want, you’re frustrated.  Frustration is not a violation of your rights.  If you vote to get your neighbor’s money or property via government, that’s still stealing even if you didn’t hold the gun on them yourself.

Thou shalt not steal.

In all, we have inflation because the American people have rejected God and turned to the classic idolatry of Babel. They want the state to be their de-facto god, to provide for them and secure their future.

This doddering old doofus of a President, spewing lies written by others for him, is God’s mocking of us in judgment (Psalm 2:4). President Biden’s mind is failing him. His mind, though, even when working, was corrupted by greed (per his undeniable association with the crooked business dealings of his drug-addled son, Hunter). We must be warned. Right now He laughs (verse 4) but unless we repent, His wrath may soon be kindled (Psalm 2:12). This inflation is a warning of worse to come unless America cries out to God. President Biden is a consequence of our sin, not the cause of it. Greed and covetousness has swept through our land – right and left, Republicans and Democrats. Only through repentance of these sins – of demanding something for nothing – and turning to God will we be granted a pardon.