by Jason | Mar 23, 2021 | Proverbs
“Take my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare to her.” Proverbs 8:10-11 Living the Christian life is simple but not easy. It’s simple because the precepts...
by Jason | Mar 15, 2021 | Apologetics, Politics
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Matthew 28:18 Do you lament what’s happening in America? Does the suppression of liberty and freedom of speech distress you? Do you wonder how it’s all happening and at such a...
by Jason | Mar 11, 2021 | Apologetics
“I tell you, my friends, do not fear those who kill the body, and after that have nothing more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear: fear him who, after he has killed, has the authority to cast into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him!” Luke...
by Jason | Mar 8, 2021 | Apologetics, Gospel of John
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” John 14:15 Political discourse is full of the word love but love would appear to be defined as mere emotion. In the worst of it, we can see it’s only a sexual manifestation of some sort. This...
by Jason | Mar 2, 2021 | Apologetics, Proverbs
“Have you found honey? Eat only what you need, that you not have it in excess and vomit it.” Proverbs 25:16 Christians often make a terrible mistake in organizing their life. What happens is that they don’t “think on these things”...
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