by Jason | Apr 17, 2020 | Apologetics, Commentaries on the Cross, Gospel of John
John 18:37-38 “…Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” Jesus was the most loving person to ever live and Truth incarnate. The world tells us today that to speak the truth about sin and rebellion is...
by Jason | Apr 17, 2020 | Commentaries on the Cross, Gospel of John
John 18:37 …for this purpose I have come into the world – to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice. Shadows of deceit, falsehood and duplicity fall across our land, our homes, and our souls. Everywhere there is a...
by Jason | Apr 16, 2020 | Commentaries on the Cross, Gospel of John
John 18:37 “Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?’ Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world – to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to...
by Jason | Apr 13, 2020 | Commentaries on the Cross, Gospel of John
John 18:35-36 “Pilate answered, “Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests have delivered you over to me. What have you done?’ Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been...
by Jason | Apr 12, 2020 | Apologetics
“…a servant of Jesus Christ…who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead.” Romans 1:1-4 The great enemy of mankind is...
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