“Thou shalt not murder.”
A draft of the Supreme Court’s pending decision on a major abortion case from Mississippi has apparently been leaked to the media wherein Justice Alito, writing for the majority, appears to overturn Roe v. Wade. As Christians, what are we to think about this?
To start, no issue better demonstrates the modern Left’s descent into moral madness and evil than abortion. Roe v. Wade is the blight of America through which over 60 million souls have been slaughtered on the altar of sexual anarchy and convenience since 1973. Abortion on demand is an evil so heinous that Democrats have literally lost their soul upon it. Likewise, taken in by the lies of the Enemy, many Christians have either been fully duped by it, or badly confused by the propaganda put out by the Beast and Jezebel.
Just take the word “choice”, for example. Being pro-choice, they say, is to be pro-abortion as if some Americans are clamoring for women to be denied the right to choose their sex partners. No. The choice of whether or not to have intercourse is nowhere challenged. But the consequence of that choice, which can and is sometimes a baby, can’t be murdered. Thus, anti-abortion advocates are truly the pro-choice and pro-life ones. That the Left has mangled language shows the extent of the evil. It’s not pro-choice to kill a defenseless baby in the womb. It’s the worst abomination there is. The sexual act itself is one’s free choice. No argument exists from Christians calling for the prosecution of adulterers and fornicators.
Christians are truly “pro-choice” in that they uphold everyone’s right to life. What we can’t uphold is an organized attack on the defenseless consequence of one’s sexual choice. To call oneself a supporter of freedom and choice while advocating for the killing of a defenseless baby in the womb is the greatest lie in the history of political lies.
Furthermore, abortion supporters assail anti-abortion advocates as wanting to deny women something called reproductive rights. In this way, they suggest that the pro-life position somehow desires to deny women healthcare.
But in what warped and dark imaginings does baby murdering equal health care? A health emergency where the pregnant mother’s life is in danger requires a C-section, not an abortion.
So, it’s a horrific lie and slander to argue that the anti-abortion position wants in any way to deny any woman anywhere healthcare. That’s preposterous. Abortion isn’t a healthcare issue any more than arson is a heating and cooling one. This lie that abortion is about health care is monstrous and flat out evil due to its flagrant denial of the laws of logic. Killing a baby isn’t the same thing as healthcare. Only a morally insane and sin-sick nation could entertain such a ridiculous notion. To make such an argument isn’t merely wrongheaded, its worse than flat-earthers and Holocaust deniers. Why the latter? Because at least, in the main, the Holocaust denier isn’t advocating for Jews to go to concentration camps whereas the abortion advocate is literally cheering the slaughter of the unborn. Yes, I know this is a tough thing to argue. But the evil of abortion and the heinous argumentation supporting it deserve the truth.
Oh, and what do we make of the leak? For one, we must soberly assess the situation and acknowledge that no decision has been handed down yet. It’s not final until the Court actually rules.
We do know, however, that whoever is behind the leak has assaulted the rule of law in America. This is utterly unprecedented and has no antecedent in Court history. To leak such a volatile position has only one purpose and that is to cause social upheaval. Such mayhem is designed to pressure the court to change its mind. For all the caterwauling from the Left about January 6th, which was a flash riot by brazen doofuses drunk on emotion, this is a sober and deliberate attempt to sway the Supreme Court through mob force. Again, there’s no precedent for such a breach.
Whatever party or parties are responsible for the leak need to be prosecuted. If Democrats have any integrity left, if sin hasn’t utterly shattered them, they must demand a full investigation with the intent to find and punish the scofflaw. God forbid another justice is involved! God help us if that’s the case.
As it stands now, if the Court has, in fact, made its decision to overturn the historically horrible law of Roe v. Wade, we must all pray that it (the Court) isn’t bullied into changing course. For a generation, faithful Christians have prayed that the singular evil of abortion would end. And, yet, despite our ardent abhorrence of it, we’ve protested peacefully and patiently. We pray now that the Left also respects the rule of law. We pray now that the urge for anarchy is checked in the hearts of men and women. We pray that the champions of abortion and the leaders of the Democrats, in the press and in Washington, preach restraint, reason, and respect for rule of law. We shall see. Yes, we shall see the true colors of men and women now just as we always see the colors of a person’s heart when they don’t get their way.
But please know, dear Christian, that there is no quarter in this fight. The enemy will come hard now. The fight is joined. The lies will come like great waves of a tsunami and we must stand firm in the faith. We’ve already addressed the lies of choice and healthcare. Don’t fall for their deceit. Be warned. Be strong. To be wishy-washy on abortion is to support the slaughter of God’s most innocent beings – babies in the womb.
We also must pray without ceasing…giving thanks to God for this incredible moment if, in fact, Roe is actually overturned. The battle will not be fully won. As the Constitutional system works – and it should work like this in a sin-sick world, methinks – the individual states will then get their power back on this issue. They get to decide for themselves instead of having something so awful force-fed to them. The battle there will be joined as we pray to God, and reason with our neighbors that law and liberty reign, and that the murder of the unborn ceases. And we must be ready with outreach ministries too. We must be ready to assist young women with troubled pregnancies. We must preach the Word. We must teach the Lord’s ways to a lost generation. We must overcome evil with good – in the Lord, for the Lord, and by the Lord.
May God bless this country.
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